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The project results!
We are very happy to have the chance to share the results of the Synergy Audit project with you.
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Open Access and free of charge
All results are available open access and free of charge. Please use them and feel free to spread them further to your networks!
The Synergy Audit Project started in September 2019 and have been a 3-years multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary transnational environmental innovation project. It have been run by us in One Planet together with a great team of project partners whom we have been delighted to collaborate with and learn from (please take a look at our great partner organisations!) from South to North of Europe.

State of the Art
The first phase out of six phases in the project started with the project start in September 2019 with the State of the Art Phase.
In this phase we read in on environmental management and environmental audits along with EU and Global directives, climate change, contemporary historical perspectives on the environmental question and law, pedagogic in teachings about the environment and more …
From there we compiled the readings into text among the project members and thereby integrated the knowledge into the coming Synergy Audit Methodology and Train the Trainer Teaching.
A summary of the State of the Art text will be viewable from here in the coming time.
We also had a chance to meet each other and introduce our organisations and the coming project time on the first Transnational meeting in the project.
The First Transnational Meeting in Stockholm, Autumn 2019
On the meeting we had the chance to get to know each other and to learn from each other
We also made a Synergy Audit logo!

Part of the State-of-the-art study
After having read studies from mostly scholarly and scientific articles about environment management system and environmental audit to learn from within the environmental management and audits areas, we elaborated further on roads to take on the coming elaboration of the Synergy Audit methodology. Here follows a short part of the study compiled into a summary for knowledge about environmental quality management work.
Feel free to get in touch with the project for sharing of ideas about environment quality management work.
Collection of Best Practices
The second phase of the project, Collection of Best Practices, started with a digital two days meeting among the partners due to the COVID pandemics that by this time had hit on global level. In this phase we were collecting the best practices from private-, public- and NGO organisations in Europe by reaching out and talking to organisations about their experiences of environmental- and energy audits.
Mapping of Best Practices
The Best Practices phase
The Best Practices phase became a successful event where the partner organisations by connecting to a multidisciplinary set of organisations in the EU among which SME private organisations, NGO charitable organisations, top ranked university organisations and big industry could get a wide and deep
input into the positive aspects of using environmental management systems like ISO 14001 and EMAS III among others.
The project decided to also integrate and assess input from the teaching field on how to best perform teachings within environmental organisations and audits.
Furthermore, the project decided to include the possible negative aspects of integration of environmental organisations, and specifically, in the role of the environmental audits phase withing environmental management.
Here follows a summary of the most common findings during the best practices phase which we hope will be of support.
In between the Transnational Project Meetings it have proved necessary to have web meetings to connect and share ideas. On this specific web meeting (see below) we discussed and shared the outcome of collection of good practices.
The information was taken further to the Methodology Phase where …
Building of a Synergy Audit Methodology
The Methodology Phase
… the knowledge input from the State-of-the-art and Best Practices phase have been assessed, elaborated and integrated into a coming Synergy Audit Methodology which takes shape in e.g., train-the-trainer events and written digital material (English). If you are interested in getting to know more about the works with the trainer and/or written material feel free to contact us.
A schedule of a coming 5-days train-the-trainer event for coming environmental auditors was further shaped and we were simultaneously continuing the shaping of an e-learning tool with the purpose to carry out learning on environmental auditing in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary Synergy Audit fashion, by the guidance of the expertise in CARDET. For more information about the e-learning tool please contact CARDET and/or One Planet.
Elaboration and Testing of the Synergy Audit Training Material
The training phase
The elaboration of the coming Learning Teaching and Training Event which in the project is named Train the Trainer Education have elaborated on results from the previous phases (see above) together with previous experiences from the partner organisations in the project and the Synergy Audit Methodology is combining the education into a written shape.
Further, we decided within the partner consortium to increase the e-learning tool to elaborate on two e-games instead of one by leadership of partner organisation CARDET. The e-learning games are looking at and explaining two scenarios on how to perform environmental audits in a Small and Medium Enterprise and in a Municipality.
On the Fifth Transnational Meeting hosted by EcoFellows Ltd. from Finland we decided to make the first Train the Trainer Education (March 14-24, 2022) in the shape of an Online Synergy Audit Education due to the on going pandemics.
Learning,Teaching and Training Event
The first Pilot Learning, teaching and training event of the Synergy Audit Training Methodology was performed online between the 14th-24th of March 2022.
On the event partners of the Synergy Audit project had the chance to teach and learn about ways to support environmental management and internal environmental audits from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Also, the E-learning tool in shape of games for learning about how to perform internal environmental audits were launched to test for the trainees during the training event.
Thereafter, we were heading further to improve the Pilot training toward a Finalized Learning, teaching and training event of the Synergy Audit Training Methodology which eventually took place fully online in June 2022 (13th-23rd of June).
Online Multiplier Event
We would like to spread the awareness of the training methodology and about the E-learning tool that have been elaborated in the project and have therefore had the opportunity to invite private, public and NGO organisations on at location, hybrid and online events on global level.
Multiplier events have taken place in Cyprus, Greece, fully online from Sweden and Finland for a global audience and on the 30th of August a final event will take place by the project partners from Italy.
Please contact us for registering to the event, you are much welcome!
Stakeholders of Synergy Audit
The Synergy Audit Project have elaborated on an open access and free of charge methodology for private-, public- and NGO organisations to use. Along the project time several communicative tools for usage have been created from the project. All tools are available in English and some of the tools are further, beyond English, available in Finnish, Greek, Italian and Swedish.
On the multiplier events we have had the chance to invite stakeholders in Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Italy and Sweden along with stakeholders on global level.
If you would like to be a stakeholder of Synergy Audit and get updated information on the project please contact us by the Contact-box on this web page or by writing an email to: forplanettellus@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Synergy Audit Global network
Along the activities in the Synergy Audit Project we have had the opportunity to invite trainees and stakeholders to a new network which have as purpose to create a digital platform on which persons from organisations all over the world can meet to learn, share ideas and exchange knowledge within the area of environmental management and environmental audits.
You are much welcome to join the open access and free of charge network!
The final steps of the Synergy Audit Project
When we are writing these words it is not more than one week left of a long, inspiring and very fruitful journey together with the project partners of the Synergy Audit project (2019-2022).
Among the things we have learned beyond the active parts of the project as such with elaboration of the project results, is also how to quickly adjust toward a fully online project performance because of the COVID 19 pandemics. This experience have given us a chance to create all result tools with a lessened negative climatic and environmental impact and that we are all very thankful for. Further, we are very happy about the positive feedback on the Learning, teaching and training events that have become elaborated into an Online Synergy Audit Course along the project. The positive result teaches us partners in the project that usage of online tools for circular knowledge sharing not only comes with positive result on an individual level but furthermore encourages us to continue on our future paths to find solutions for knowledge sharing with minimal negative climatic and environmental impact.
The Online Synergy Audit Course is planned to continue also after the ending of the Synergy Audit project.
You are much welcome to contact us if you are interested in hearing more about the course.