Synergy Audit will, beyond all “usual” areas of knowledge involved in an environmental audits education, take on further development reaching toward inventiveness in multiple ways, of which the main steams from the elaboration of a methodology for education of environmental auditors in line with full support for the environment quality management in both its role as check-up but further in its role as an overall support in the development of the environment quality management.
This is due to the three sources of new knowledge, in comparison with a general environment audit, put into the audits which are: deepened knowledge in fields globally making up for most negative environmental impact e.g. energy, knowledge of the environment quality management system as such and ways to operate in support of its parts and finally, knowledge to operate by also taking into consideration the EU and Global sustainability directives and the four sustainability aspects in the audits analysis, equal to the: ecologic, economic, ethical and social aspects.
Further, the project will by the train-the-trainer grip of carrying out the methodology plant teachers in all countries involved in the project whom will thereafter spread further the knowledge gained, by a teaching tool.Furthermore, an online platform with purpose of spreading the teaching will be made in English and for open access for any organisation to take help from, on global level.
Therefore, Synergy Audit will both create and perform the spread of knowledge of environmental audits in a new methodological manner carrying a deeply increased knowledge in relation to the more usual law and regulation focused environmental audits, while synchronously elaborate an online platform for spreading the knowledge to an audience on global level for the fulfilment of:1. Environmental quality management systems getting ready for environmental certification.
2. Improvement of operationality of the EU and Global sustainability directives in the public a private sector on a local, regional, national and international level.
3. Heightened capacity toward decrease of most negative environmental impact in organisations and therefore, on a societal level.